
So we made a cheesecake the other day, and it required condensed milk. It is a rather uncommon ingredient, and we bought more than we needed for one small cheesecake. 
We were trying to think of a way to use up this extra condensed milk, and instantly thought of Vietnamese iced coffee. It is a lovely iced coffee sweetened with a splash of condensed milk. 
  • Coffee (brewed using our coffee method, or a regluar coffee maker)
  • Condensed Milk (two tablespoons)
  • Ice 

  • Cover the bottom of a glass with the condensed milk and place in fridge for an hour.
  • Prepare a mug of coffee and put that in the fridge as well.
  • When both the coffee and the condensed milk are cooled, pour the coffee into chilled glass, add ice, and stir.

9/11/2012 06:27:20 pm

lovely blog you have! :)


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